Auto-Completion for Laravel Facades


Sometimes the Laravel IDE Helper (opens new window) package can't help you with getting the auto-completion for your facades to work in PhpStorm. So here I have a nice and easy way to handle this when the ide-helper package let's you down.

Today I learned about the @mixin phpDocBlock parameter. This handy parameter lets you link from one class to another in your DocBlock. So in case of a Laravel Facade, you can just link the class that you access through your facade. Here is an example.


namespace Acme\WeatherForecast\Facades;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;

 * Class WeatherForecast
 * @mixin \Acme\WeatherForecast\Services\WeatherForecastService
 * @package Acme\WeatherForecast\Facades
class WeatherForecast extends Facade

     * Get the registered name of the component.
     * @return string
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'weather-forecast-service';


And that's it! With this one line of code you can make auto-completion work in PhpStorm 😁