

Yesterday I noticed that the server time on my new server at digital ocean was still set to the wrong timezone. Here is how to fix it with a simple command.


The other day I had to prepare a very large data source before importing it into the database. So here is a nice tool to help you with this kind of task that your IDE might refuse to do for you.


Today I was facing another mysql issue when working on my new side project. The issue was that I was writing more jobs into the jobs table than the database queue driver could work off. Here is how I solved this issue and how I would recommend everyone to setup their queue on small servers.


I always see people using their editors to look into logs. So here is how not to embarrass yourself when working with log files 😉


Yesterday I had to figure out why the f*** the microphone of my headset was not available in the audio settings of my PCs Ubuntu system and how to fix it.


In this small article we are going to take a look on how you can create a bootable usb stick ready for your UEFI bios.


Last week we took a look on how to create a bootable USB stick using the command line tool dd. Today we are going to see how to do the same using the GUI.


I really love ubuntu but there are some things that I don't like about it. One of it is that you can't disable the ubuntu dock using the default way. But don't worry, I got you covered 😉


Recently I set up my pc with Ubuntu and so I thought I document a few things I had to look up again my self. One of the things was to set up FiraCode font in VSCode.


Today we are going to create a ssh config file so you can access common hosts faster. Also it can make everything more secure 🔒


How to install NeoVim 0.5 in Ubuntu. Short and uncomplicated.


I just learned a nice fix for missing aliases when using sudo that I wanted to share with you.


I know it is not recommended but I use it often enough, so here you have it too: A one-liner to install composer in ubuntu.


When you have a single boot system but GRUB still shows up, you probably want to hide it, since it adds to your boot time. Here is how 😃


In this short post I'm giving you two lines of code so you can easily install docker and docker-compose


Here is a simple way to reduce the file size of your PDF files. Let's go! 😁


Ever wondered if you can keep signal open in the background? 🤔


Do you need some change in your life? Then try out desktop wallpaper slideshows. It's just nice to see the desktop change once in a while 😊


This time we are going to look at the update-alternatives command to maintain symbolic links to chosen defaults.


A simple alias to return the current timestamp.


How to list the open ports of your system.


In this short tutorial we are going to learn how to import and export MySQL databases directly on the terminal.


In this short post I'm going to show you how you can manually change the path in the nautilus file explorer.


In this post I'm going to show you my favorite way of logging the output of a command to a log file.


In this short tutorial we are going to see how to switch windows on current workspace only in gnome on ubuntu.


Today I learned how to copy-paste through the command line. So I thought I'll share it with you 😉


The Advanced Packaging Tool is a nice dpgk wrapper that makes it easy to maintain the packages of your system. In this short article, we are going to go over the essentials of it.


Last weekend I prepared my Huawei Matebook X Pro for my new job. To get a fresh start I installed Ubuntu 21.10. "Impish Indri". Here are the steps I took to set up the touchpad gestures.


For a short moment I struggled with installing NordVPN in Ubuntu. Here is how you do it the right way 😉


Sometimes you need you know what Ubuntu version your server is running on. Here is how! 🤓


Today I reached the limit of the predefined partition size of my work-notebook. In order to fix this I separated the /home directory to it's own partition. Here is how I did it 🤓


I have setup a lot of servers over the years. Here is how I setup an Ubuntu server. Quick and simple 🤘


Today I had to setup the timezone on a couple of Ubuntu servers. I thought it would be a good idea to write a short article about it. So here we go 🤓


Knowing how to determine your server's free disk space and where that space is being used is essential. Thus, I will demonstrate the bash commands du and df, which help with this. Additionally, we will examine the free command for reporting memory usage.