

This year I switched from PhpStorm to VSCode. One of the things I had to figure out was how to use real templates, rather than the built snippets. Turns out this is my favorite template management so far. But enough of the chit-chat, let's take a closer look.


Recently I set up my pc with Ubuntu and so I thought I document a few things I had to look up again my self. One of the things was to set up FiraCode font in VSCode.


This time we are going to look at the update-alternatives command to maintain symbolic links to chosen defaults.


Today we are going to take a look at the best way to manage TODOs in vscode I found so far 🤩


Recently I found out that my FiraCode article is one of my most popular articles. But the truth is, that I don't use FiraCode anymore because I exchanged it against FiraCodeiScript and did some tweaks on the highlighting. So I thought I should share my current setup with you!


In this post we are going to check out how you can enable emmet for a given language in your vscode.


This time we are going to learn how to share vscode extensions via recommendations. Simple and useful 🤩


This one is a cool one. We are going to bring some code formatting for PHP into VSCode.


Today I have been looking for a way to move through the suggestions that VS Code provides while typing using the TAB key. Here is how I set it up 😎