

The other day I had to prepare a very large data source before importing it into the database. So here is a nice tool to help you with this kind of task that your IDE might refuse to do for you.


I always see people using their editors to look into logs. So here is how not to embarrass yourself when working with log files 😉


How much do you really know about composer or the composer commands that you use? Here is a list of the most common composer commands I use.


Here is a simple way to reduce the file size of your PDF files. Let's go! 😁


How to list the open ports of your system.


In this post I'm going to show you my favorite way of logging the output of a command to a log file.


Today I learned how to copy-paste through the command line. So I thought I'll share it with you 😉


Recently I'm doing a lot of networking again. In order to do so I needed to have the right tools available. One that I'm using surprisingly often is dig. That's why we are going to take a quick look at it. Let's go! 🤓