How to check Ubuntu Version in Terminal


Sometimes you need you know what Ubuntu version your server is running on. Here is how! 🤓

The command to know here is lsb_release. This simple command can show you the most important information about the Ubuntu release installed on the machine in question.

lsb_release --help

# output
Usage: lsb_release [options]

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -v, --version      show LSB modules this system supports
  -i, --id           show distributor ID
  -d, --description  show description of this distribution
  -r, --release      show release number of this distribution
  -c, --codename     show code name of this distribution
  -a, --all          show all of the above information
  -s, --short        show requested information in short format

The most common usage of the command for me is to just run lsb_release -a. This will show you all the information about the Ubuntu release.