Setup Vimix Theme in Gnome Fedora


This guide shows how to setup the vimix gnome theme in Fedora. I use this theme on all my Linux desktop environments and I’m really satisfied with it.

# Install

# Dependencies

sudo dnf install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines gnome-tweaks

# Theme

The following will setup the theme in ~/.themes.

# Clone the repository in /tmp folder so we do not have 
# to remove it manually afterards.
cd /tmp
git clone
cd vimix-gtk-themes

# See if the files are there
ls -hal ~/.themes

Go to and enable the plugin.

Gnome Extensions User Theme

Now you can change the theme using the gnome-tweaks tool.

Gnome Extensions Select Theme

# Icons

The following will setup the icons in .local/share/icons.

# Clone the repository in /tmp folder so we do not have
# to remove it manually afterwards.
cd /tmp
git clone
cd vimix-icon-theme

# See if the files are there
ls -hal ~/.local/share/icons

You can change the theme through the gnome-tweaks tool.

Gnome Tweaks Select Icons

# Troubleshooting 💣

# Design is not applied to all windows …

The windows where the theme is not applied are probably flatpak or snap apps. These applications will not use the theme of gnome 🤷

# Sources