Articles Page 18


Today I was facing another mysql issue when working on my new side project. The issue was that I was writing more jobs into the jobs table than the database queue driver could work off. Here is how I solved this issue and how I would recommend everyone to setup their queue on small servers.


The other day I had to prepare a very large data source before importing it into the database. So here is a nice tool to help you with this kind of task that your IDE might refuse to do for you.


Sometimes you need a slug version of a given string but don't want to include some external package. So here is the easiest way I could find to create slug representations of strings.


Back in the day when I was still going to school, I would never-ever have thought that there will be a typo that is actually bothering me out there. But it turns out there is. I'm usually not the guy who points out these things but there is one particular error that keeps occuring in documentations that I read. So here I'm going to clarify it once and for all - just for my peace of mind 🤯


I see a lot of packages that could make use of Laravel facades to make their services more accessible. But I completely agree with everyone who would say that the Laravel facades documentation is kinda hard to read. So here is a quicker version to get you started.