Articles Page 3


In the last article we have learned how to use Traefik to setup a reverse proxy. In this article we will learn how to setup SSL with Traefik and Let's Encrypt.


At my new workplace we are making heavy use of docker and docker-compose. In order to make all of the containers talk to each other we use Traefik. So in order to actually use it I need to understand how Traefik works. Let's dive into it together! 🤓


Sometimes you need you know what Ubuntu version your server is running on. Here is how! 🤓


For a short moment I struggled with installing NordVPN in Ubuntu. Here is how you do it the right way 😉


Last weekend I prepared my Huawei Matebook X Pro for my new job. To get a fresh start I installed Ubuntu 21.10. "Impish Indri". Here are the steps I took to set up the touchpad gestures.